Snow ☃️❄🌨

My favourite time of the year is when it snows. Pick up a handful of snow. Shape it into a ball. Throw it towards Papa. He will catch it. Baam !! Throw it towards Mummy. She will miss the shot. For sure. Thapak !! 
You can roll on it. You can glide. You can feel the cottony soft flakes. Squeeze it. Punch it. You can play with it like a play dough. Raise it into a snow man. You can then hide behind it. Call out Papa. Call out Mummy. Play Peekaboo. 


  1. There is much joy in raising up a snowmen. When the time comes You will find still more in illuminating human men and women.

    1. You are wonderful ! You fill my heart with joy. Thank you.


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